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Brand Israel: Marketing in Crisis - TN
作者姓名:Ilan Alon; Rommey Hassman; Meredith Lohwasser; Jennifer Dugosh;
出版日期:2014/03/14內容長度:10 頁

Teaching note for product 9B13A016.

Brand Israel: Marketing in Crisis
作者姓名:Ilan Alon; Rommey Hassman; Meredith Lohwasser; Jennifer Dugosh;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B13A016
出版日期:2014/03/14內容長度:10 頁

Israel had experienced great change since its founding in 1948 to become arguably the most prosperous nation in the Middle East. With the exception of the United States and more recently China, Israel had more companies listed on the NASDAQ than any other. It spent a larger percentage of its budget on research and development than any other country in the world. Multinational companies like Intel, Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Motorola, Mitsubishi, Hewlett .....more